Hong Kong Chinese Martial Arts Association Ltd. is established on 8th August 1969, named Hong Kong Chinese Martial Arts Dragon and Lion Dance Association Ltd on September 1 2006. And now named Chinese Martial Arts Dragon and Lion Dance Assn. of HK, China Ltd. on July 1 2023. It is a non-profit making servicing organization. It owned a permanent address located in Mongkok, Kowloon and an Administration Office in the Olympic House, Hong Kong. It financially supported by the Leisure & Cultural Services Department and is an associate member of the Sports Federation and Olympic Committee of Hong Kong, China.

We have over one thousand members and one hundred group members in Hong Kong and abroad.

Our aim is to popularize the traditional Chinese Martial Arts, to promote the Dragon and Lion Dance, to train professions and organising groups. We wish to unite with international Martial Arts groups harmoniously around the world.